About Us

Xfold imaging Oy was founded in 2018 in alliance with Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. Xfold Imaging Oy is located at Micronova building hosting the largest cleanroom environment in Northern Europe. Micronova belongs to Otaniemi infrastructure for micro-and nanotechnologies, which has been nominated to Finland’s roadmap for research infrastructure 2014-2020. Micronova has around 200 process tolls and 2600 m2 cleanroom for fabrication
Founded in 2018 , From Aalto University. The team consists of physicists, biologists, biomedical imaging scientists, and business strategists.
Our Team

Subramaniyam D.Sc
Nagarajan Subramaniyam received the Doctor of Science (D.Sc) degree from the Chonbuk national University, South Korea in 2008. He moved to Finland in 2009 and started as a postdoctoral fellow at Helsinki University of Technology. He established a major research program in the field of nanotechnology for bioimaging applications, as a research scientist at Aalto University during 2011-2019. He has published more than 30 international peer-reviewed articles.

Timo Jäntti has eMBA from Aalto University Singapore, and BBA in Helia, Finland. Before Xfold he was 6 years working as CEO of medical & dental equipment and consumable company (40M€) and before that 7 years with DHL, responsible over 73 countries sales and marketing activities. Simultaneously he is one of main shareholders of global top 25 Executive Search Company The Taplow Group. His competence is very broad encompassing biomedical research as well as innovation management, and entrepreneurship including venture investment, funding application and business creation.
Xfold Imaging is a spin-out of a multidisciplinary team from Aalto University and University of Helsinki. The team consists of physicists, biologists, biomedical imaging scientists and business strategists.

Ylönen M.Sc
Development scientist
Jonas Ylonen graduated his M.Sc. from Aalto University with his thesis covering the simulation of resonant nanostructures for electric near field enhancement in 2018. Jonas also possesses extensive knowledge in fabrication and characterization of plasmonic nanostructures.